Threshold Arts works with a number of community partners to bring public art to our city. These partnerships provide funding to local artists, increase the vibrancy of our public spaces, and allow our team to utilize their expertise in installation and fabrication while working with local artists to facilitate the process.

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by Kevin Dobbe

An interactive video installation on the corner of Broadway and 4th Street SW

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A River of Color
by Cassandra Buck

A sidewalk mural in the alley between 2nd and 3rd Streets SW

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In the Spirit of Color
by Debra DSouza

A series of stained glass mosaic mandalas in the alleys between The Castle and the Conley Maass Downs Building

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Suspended Waters
by Megan Moriarity

A 3D installation at Silver Lake Station


Urban Collective Topography
by Jennalee Whiting

An indoor mural at Silver Lake Station

When in Rochester
by Tiffany Alexandria

A series of murals on 1st Avenue SE between Center Street E and 1st Street SE

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Jersey Barricade Murals

Jersey barricade murals surrounding expanded outdoor dining areas at downtown Rochester establishments

Sol Flowers

by Jennalee Whiting

A sun print-inspired mural on the Civic Center Parking Ramp at the intersection of 1st Avenue & First Street SE


Phases of Sun & Moon

by Debra DSouza

All living things are affected by time passing but there is the constant rhythm of the Sun and the Moon.


by Karl Unnasch

Inspired by architectural grotesques, these cast steel figures accouter the buildings as timeless satirical observers.