Tarah Regan Anderson

Fox Knoll Co.

Welcome! I’m Tarah, the maker behind Fox Knoll Co. My story with fiber arts started when I learned to knit with my mom and grandma as a little kid. Knitting is something I still love, though now I primarily work in embroidery and cross stitch. I’m a trained molecular biologist, receiving my PhD from the University of Minnesota in 2016. I stepped away from science when my son was born in 2017, but I find embroidery art is the perfect way channel my more meticulous, type A side that was well suited to being a scientist. I love creating beauty on a blank hoop and so much enjoy working with people on custom orders! In addition to creating embroidery hoops, I love making modern embroidery accessible to people through embroidered jewelry and accessories as well. 

Locally, my work can be found at gatheredGoods in Forager brewery, Adourn in Chatfield, MN and at Rochester Makers Market in Threshold Arts.


Sean Archer


Terri Allred