Melissa Eggler
Melissa is a Rochester, MN artist, who creates art as a result of emotions when effected by events and environmental events. By using found and reclaimed materials she turns upsetting world/news events into colorful and surprising creations.
Melissa focuses on giving cast away items a new life using thrifted, rescued and vintage items.
She use items found in nature such as sea glass/beach glass, rocks and driftwood.
Melissa has a love for organizing artisan markets and bringing local artisans together, honoring their individual artwork while inviting community involvement in gatherings.
She is married to Eric, and is a mom of two amazing boys, Ethan (21) and Aidan(18), a Scottish terrier, Milo, and a spirited Golden Doodle, Montgomery. Melissa’s day job is the Coordinator of Congregational Life at First Unitarian Universalist Church, Rochester.
Seaglass/Pottery Pendants from Aruba
Seaglass Mobiles from Aruba
Seaglass pendant with glass beads
Seaglass Succulents
Crocheted Mandala Art using reclaimed and vintage materials
"What They See" Series, Fabric collage