Lauren O’Brien

Art by LOB

Lauren O’Brien of “Art by LOB” has loved art all her life and has experimented with several styles, but in the past year has been passionate about watercolor and pen. She loves the way the watercolor blends together so she can never fully predict what it will look like. It has been very freeing to drop the expectations of what her art should look like and allows her to be more creative and welcome “imperfections”.

Recently, she is most inspired by wild spaces and likes to share through art some of the special places she has traveled with her partner and their dog Kaia.

In addition to art and adventuring, she loves yoga, climbing, hiking, cross country skiing, cooking, and (trying) to grow vegetables and herbs. 

She is in the pursuit of happiness and freedom and art helps in that journey.


Kyle Glowa


Libby Rae Schultz