Gary Klein

Gary currently creates his photography and abstract art in his adopted hometown of Rochester MN. Gary was born in Los Angeles, California but moved with his family to the east coast where he spent his formative years in rural Virginia and North Carolina.

Gary is a self taught artist inspired by his gifted friends and family. Moving to California as a young adult, he met other artists who inspired him to further explore my visual arts.

Gary had his first two well-received shows in Santa Cruz and Sacramento California. He moved to Hawaii in 1986 and concentrated his creativity on photography, all things computer related, and raising a family. He moved to Rochester in 1999 where he continued exploring photography.

Meeting local Rochester artists in 2018 helped Gary to get his acrylic arts back on track by providing much-needed feedback and encouragement. He tries to use repurposed and recycled materials when possible.

Currently, Gary draws his inspiration for his work from mysticism, Jungian archetypes, and the natural world. His artistic style tends to range from abstract, expressionism to impressionism. When one looks at Gary’s paintings or photos, they are seeing glimpses of his humor, anguish, soul, and spirit.


Erica Ross


Heather Wright